Twickenham Alive Dragon Boat Races
Twickenham Embankment
Saturday 21st June 2014
10:30am until
Once again the popular Dragon Boat races return to Twickenham Riverside this June as part of the Twickenham Alive Riverside Events.
We are looking for Dragon Boat teams, 16-20 in a team plus a drummer. No previous experience needed!
The cost is £200 per boat.
Enter online HERE.
Schools, rugby clubs, estate agents, soliciters, pubs, council can all enter a team (fancy dress optional!!).
Winning team gets a cup and an Original Stormtrooper Helmet worth £500 and signed by Andrew Ainsworth the original maker, which could be sold or auctioned to provide funds for your school or club.
If you can't put a full team together we can help put you together with another team.
We would welcome teams to fundraise for SPEAR by setting up a donation page and getting friends and family to sponsor you for participating in this fantastic event. Donation page can be set up here:
Thank you!
For any further information:

The winning team in action 23rd June 2013
St Margaret's Tigers

The winning team with cup 23rd June 2013
St Margaret's Tigers

Radnor House / Stand Up Paddleboarders